Tarot Decoder: Interpret the Symbols of the Tarot and Increase Your Understanding of the Cards
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Название: Дальше, чем истина… Автор: Елена Андреева Издательство:
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Tarot Decoder: Interpret the Symbols of the Tarot and Increase Your Understanding of the Cards

Автор - dygane
Просмотров - 1 088
12-08-2014, 15:59

Tarot Decoder: Interpret the Symbols of the Tarot and Increase Your Understanding of the Cards
Автор: Kathleen McCormack
Название: Tarot Decoder: Interpret the Symbols of the Tarot and Increase Your Understanding of the Cards
Издательство: Skyhorse Publishing
Год: 2014
Формат: epub, pdf
Размер: 35.5 Mb, 15.8 Mb
Язык: Английский

The essential handbook for everyone who is fascinated by the Tarot.
The origins of the Tarot are shrouded in mystery. Some believe that the cards originated in India, while other trace their beginnings back to the sacred books of the ancient Egyptians. Everything from Greek religions to Arabian philosophies to Jewish Kabbalah has been detected in Tarot symbols, which some believe to contain the secrets of the universe and hold the key to human nature.
The origins of the Tarot are shrouded in mystery. Some believe that the cards originated in India, while others trace their beginnings back to the sacred books of the ancient Egyptians. Everything from Greek religions to Arabian philosophies to Jewish Kabbalah has been detected in Tarot symbols, which some believe to contain the secrets of the universe and hold the key to human nature.
Tarot Decoder traces the meaning and imagery of the cards down through the centuries, starting with the best-known early decks and culminating with the present-day fascination with mysticism and the unexplained. Featured inside are illustrations of beautiful ancient Tarot decks as well as fine contemporary examples from all over the world.
Several methods of laying the cards are explained, ranging from a simple three-card reading to the more complicated forty-two-card method. Readers will develop their Tarot skills in a number of ways by learning how to:
Decode the symbols of each card and learn how to get deeper, more personalized readings
Find out how the Tarot can fulfill your psychic potential, and learn to forecast your luck, your love life, your career prospects, and your finances
Understand the roles of the readers and questioner, and discover how to interpret each of the twenty-two cards of the major arcana and the fifty-six cards of the minor arcana
Tarot Decoder is an enlightening and highly enjoyable guide to this mystical practice that will reveal the secrets behind the symbols and help you make accurate and meaningful interpretations.


PDF(conv.from epub):

Автор: Kathleen McCormack Название: Tarot Decoder: Interpret the Symbols of the Tarot and Increase Your Understanding of the Cards Издательство: Skyhorse Publishing Год: 2014 Формат: epub, pdf Размер: 35.5 Mb, 15.8 Mb Язык: Английский The essential handbook for everyone who is fascinated by the Tarot. The origins of the Tarot are shrouded in mystery. Some believe that the cards originated in India, while other trace their beginnings back to the sacred books of the ancient Egyptians. Everything from Greek religions to Arabian philosophies to Jewish Kabbalah has been detected in Tarot symbols, which some believe to contain the secrets of the universe and hold the key to human nature. The origins of the Tarot are shrouded in mystery. Some believe that the cards originated in India, while others trace their beginnings back to the sacred books of the ancient Egyptians. Everything from Greek religions to Arabian philosophies to Jewish Kabbalah has been detected in Tarot symbols, which some believe to contain the secrets of the universe and hold the key to human nature. Tarot Decoder traces the meaning and imagery of the cards down through the centuries, starting with the best-known early decks and culminating with the present-day fascination with mysticism and the unexplained. Featured inside are illustrations of beautiful ancient Tarot decks as well as fine contemporary examples from all over the world. Several methods of laying the cards are explained, ranging from a simple three-card reading to the more complicated forty-two-card method. Readers will develop their Tarot skills in a number of ways by learning how to: Decode the symbols of each card and learn how to get deeper, more personalized readings Find out how the Tarot can fulfill your psychic potential, and learn to forecast your luck, your love life, your career prospects, and your finances Understand the roles of the readers and questioner, and discover how to interpret each of the twenty-two cards of the major arcana and the fifty-six cards of the minor arcana Tarot Decoder is an enlightening and highly enjoyable guide to this mystical practice that will reveal the secrets behind the symbols and help you make accurate and meaningful interpretations. EPUB: bitshare depositfiles PDF(conv.from epub): bitshare kingfiles depositfiles
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Автор - dygane
Просмотров - 1 088

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