100 Great Italian Recipes
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Вангелия Пандева Гуштерова

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100 Great Italian Recipes

Автор - Fabe
Просмотров - 891
20-06-2014, 15:40

100 Great Italian Recipes

Автор: Academia Barilla
Название: сто Great Italian Recipes
Издательство: Taunton Press
Год: 2013
Формат: PDF
Страниц: сто
Размер: 13 Mb
Язык: English
ISBN: 978-1-62710-874-4
Для сайта: MirKnig.com

An exceptional collection of traditional favorites. Direct from Academia Barilla, the famous cooking school in Parma, Italy, сто Great Italian Recipes is a real treasure, sharing the secrets for fabulous dishes that taste as though they’re straight from Nonna’s kitchen.
Tested for success in the kitchens of Academia Barilla. While these recipes are authentic Italian in every way, they have been edited for the American cook, and include full-color photographs, prep tips, and time-tested advice.
Cook all the classics and hard-to-find delicacies, too. сто Great Italian Recipes is your complete guide to cooking traditional Italian dishes with all the subtle nuances and rich flavors of true Mediterranean cuisine. The variety is amazing, tempting you to explore the delights of real Italian soups, pastas, sauces, first courses, mains, and desserts.
Amberjack steaks to Zabaglione. Whether you crave the unusual flavors of Sardinia and Naples, or just have a hankering for the best bowl of spaghetti with clams you’ve ever had, take a look inside сто Great Italian Recipes, where you’ll find all this and more.

• Broccoli flan with anchovy sauce
• Chilled veal in tuna sauce
• Sicilian eggplant rigatoni
• Milanese-style risotto
• Baccàla with potatoes and saffron
• Tuscan-style roast loin of pork
• Wild boar with polenta
• Puglia-style sea bream
• Sicilian cannoli

Everything you’ve dreamed of and more!As you cook your way through сто Great Italian Recipes, you’ll expand your repertoire immeasurably and learn secrets and techniques that will enhance everything you cook. If you love Italian food, this authentic cookbook will deliver everything you want and more!
About the Author Academia Barilla, founded in Parma, the heart of the so-called Food Valley, is appreciated for its extraordinary food products - from Parmesan cheese to Parma ham, to pasta and various specialties. The academy promotes courses that spread knowledge about the Italian gastronomic tradition, distributes the best Italian products, and spreads Italy's culinary culture through publications like this one that recount the unequaled gastronomic riches of the country.



Автор: Academia Barilla Название: сто Great Italian Recipes Издательство: Taunton Press Год: 2013 Формат: PDF Страниц: сто Размер: 13 Mb Язык: English ISBN: 978-1-62710-874-4 Для сайта: MirKnig.com An exceptional collection of traditional favorites. Direct from Academia Barilla, the famous cooking school in Parma, Italy, сто Great Italian Recipes is a real treasure, sharing the secrets for fabulous dishes that taste as though they’re straight from Nonna’s kitchen. Tested for success in the kitchens of Academia Barilla. While these recipes are authentic Italian in every way, they have been edited for the American cook, and include full-color photographs, prep tips, and time-tested advice. Cook all the classics and hard-to-find delicacies, too. сто Great Italian Recipes is your complete guide to cooking traditional Italian dishes with all the subtle nuances and rich flavors of true Mediterranean cuisine. The variety is amazing, tempting you to explore the delights of real Italian soups, pastas, sauces, first courses, mains, and desserts. Amberjack steaks to Zabaglione. Whether you crave the unusual flavors of Sardinia and Naples, or just have a hankering for the best bowl of spaghetti with clams you’ve ever had, take a look inside сто Great Italian Recipes, where you’ll find all this and more. • Broccoli flan with anchovy sauce • Chilled veal in tuna sauce • Sicilian eggplant rigatoni • Milanese-style risotto • Baccàla with potatoes and saffron • Tuscan-style roast loin of pork • Wild boar with polenta • Puglia-style sea bream • Sicilian cannoli Everything you’ve dreamed of and more!As you cook your way through сто Great Italian Recipes, you’ll expand your repertoire immeasurably and learn secrets and techniques that will enhance everything you cook. If you love Italian food, this authentic cookbook will deliver everything you want and more! About the Author Academia Barilla, founded in Parma, the heart of the so-called Food Valley, is appreciated for its extraordinary food products - from Parmesan cheese to Parma ham, to pasta and various specialties. The academy promotes courses that spread knowledge about the Italian gastronomic tradition, distributes the best Italian products, and spreads Italy's culinary culture through publications like this one that recount the unequaled gastronomic riches of the country. DepositFiles Turbobit
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Автор - Fabe
Просмотров - 891

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