The Naked Kitchen Veggie Burger Book: Delicious Plant-Based Burgers, Fries, Sides, and More
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Вангелия Пандева Гуштерова

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The Naked Kitchen Veggie Burger Book: Delicious Plant-Based Burgers, Fries, Sides, and More

Автор - Backer
Просмотров - 935
20-06-2014, 15:46

The Naked Kitchen Veggie Burger Book: Delicious Plant-Based Burgers, Fries, Sides, and More

Автор:Sarah Davies, Kristy Taylor
Название:The Naked Kitchen Veggie Burger Book: Delicious Plant-Based Burgers, Fries, Sides, and More
Издательство:Lyons Press; First edition
Размер:17.75 Mb
Для сайта:

The founders of the popular Naked Kitchen website unveil more than сто of their favorite organic plant-based recipes for burger lovers everywhere. The recipes combine simple, wholesome ingredients to create a wide variety of scrumptious vegetable- and bean-based burgers and accompaniments that everyone can enjoy.

The Naked Kitchen Veggie Burger Book celebrates the burger in all its versatile glory—served on freshly baked buns, crumbled atop salads, added to pasta sauces, baked into taquitos, and more!Spanning a number of different ethnic influences, from Mexican to Mediterranean to Asian, these burgers are as nutritious as they are fun, flavorful, and redolent of homey goodness. The Naked Kitchen duo also present their favorite burger buns, condiments and toppings, sides and salads, fresh beverages, and “beyond burgers” recipes—for a superlative burger experience. Among the offerings:
· Zesty Bean Burger
· Southwestern Mini Sliders
· Caramelized Onion Burger
· Roasted Tomato Ketchup
· Sweet Corn Ceviche
· Crispy Sesame Green Bean Fries
· Sweet Potato Beer Fries
· Sun-Dried Tomato and Pepper Sausages
· Pumpkin Seed Pesto
· Sizzlin’ Satay
· Pineapple Sunshine Cooler
· Sparkling Raspberry Lemon Saki-tail

Each recipe includes a full-color photograph and is tagged with symbols indicating whether it is gluten free, soy free, and/or oil free. The authors also share numerous tips and tricks for easy preparation and storage.

Автор:Sarah Davies, Kristy Taylor Название:The Naked Kitchen Veggie Burger Book: Delicious Plant-Based Burgers, Fries, Sides, and More Издательство:Lyons Press; First edition Год:2014 ISBN:0762793295 Формат:epub Размер:17.75 Mb Страниц:240 Язык:английский Для сайта: The founders of the popular Naked Kitchen website unveil more than сто of their favorite organic plant-based recipes for burger lovers everywhere. The recipes combine simple, wholesome ingredients to create a wide variety of scrumptious vegetable- and bean-based burgers and accompaniments that everyone can enjoy. The Naked Kitchen Veggie Burger Book celebrates the burger in all its versatile glory—served on freshly baked buns, crumbled atop salads, added to pasta sauces, baked into taquitos, and more!Spanning a number of different ethnic influences, from Mexican to Mediterranean to Asian, these burgers are as nutritious as they are fun, flavorful, and redolent of homey goodness. The Naked Kitchen duo also present their favorite burger buns, condiments and toppings, sides and salads, fresh beverages, and “beyond burgers” recipes—for a superlative burger experience. Among the offerings: · Zesty Bean Burger · Southwestern Mini Sliders · Caramelized Onion Burger · Roasted Tomato Ketchup · Sweet Corn Ceviche · Crispy Sesame Green Bean Fries · Sweet Potato Beer Fries · Sun-Dried Tomato and Pepper Sausages · Pumpkin Seed Pesto · Sizzlin’ Satay · Pineapple Sunshine Cooler · Sparkling Raspberry Lemon Saki-tail Each recipe includes a full-color photograph and is tagged with symbols indicating whether it is gluten free, soy free, and/or oil free. The authors also share numerous tips and tricks for easy preparation and storage.
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Автор - Backer
Просмотров - 935

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