Silk Road Vegetarian: Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free Recipes for the Mindful Cook
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Вангелия Пандева Гуштерова

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Silk Road Vegetarian: Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free Recipes for the Mindful Cook

Автор - Goldman
Просмотров - 834
20-06-2014, 15:44

Silk Road Vegetarian: Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free Recipes for the Mindful Cook
Автор: Dahlia Abraham-Klein
Название: Silk Road Vegetarian: Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free Recipes for the Mindful Cook
Издательство: Tuttle Publishing
Год: 2014
Формат: PDF
Размер: 16.4 Mb
Язык: Английский

Discover the secrets of healthy and sustainable eating that have been practiced along the Spice Routes of Asia for centuries. This unusual book is filled with richly-flavored vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free recipes like Bengali Potato and Zucchini Curry, Afghan Moussaka Eggplant with Yoghurt Sauce and Bukharian Crock Pot Rice with Dried Fruit that are a welcome change from the usual bland vegetarian and vegan fare.
Dishes from the Silk Road have their roots in the ancient village food traditions of Asia, where a few healthy ingredients from local gardens were blended with spices to create meals that are nutritious, varied and flavorful, as well as being ethical and sustainable.
Author Dahlia Abraham-Klein is a food educator who draws from her own family heritage of Central Asia to create meals that honor what is most meaningful about cooking and food everywhere in the world--a connectedness to place, history and family. Her book is about developing culinary awareness and celebrating diversity--discovering foods with contrasting tastes and textures that are simple and easy to prepare, yet totally exciting and different.
Silk Road Vegetarian delves into the cultural and spiritual traditions of the Silk Road to show how cultural traditions have influenced the cuisine. Each dish has a rich history--linking past to present in a particular place. At the same time, the recipes address pressing contemporary needs by showing us how to eat a healthy, balanced and yet interesting diet with locally-sourced, earth-friendly ingredients.


Автор: Dahlia Abraham-Klein Название: Silk Road Vegetarian: Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free Recipes for the Mindful Cook Издательство: Tuttle Publishing Год: 2014 Формат: PDF Размер: 16.4 Mb Язык: Английский Discover the secrets of healthy and sustainable eating that have been practiced along the Spice Routes of Asia for centuries. This unusual book is filled with richly-flavored vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free recipes like Bengali Potato and Zucchini Curry, Afghan Moussaka Eggplant with Yoghurt Sauce and Bukharian Crock Pot Rice with Dried Fruit that are a welcome change from the usual bland vegetarian and vegan fare. Dishes from the Silk Road have their roots in the ancient village food traditions of Asia, where a few healthy ingredients from local gardens were blended with spices to create meals that are nutritious, varied and flavorful, as well as being ethical and sustainable. Author Dahlia Abraham-Klein is a food educator who draws from her own family heritage of Central Asia to create meals that honor what is most meaningful about cooking and food everywhere in the world--a connectedness to place, history and family. Her book is about developing culinary awareness and celebrating diversity--discovering foods with contrasting tastes and textures that are simple and easy to prepare, yet totally exciting and different. Silk Road Vegetarian delves into the cultural and spiritual traditions of the Silk Road to show how cultural traditions have influenced the cuisine. Each dish has a rich history--linking past to present in a particular place. At the same time, the recipes address pressing contemporary needs by showing us how to eat a healthy, balanced and yet interesting diet with locally-sourced, earth-friendly ingredients. bitshare turbobit depositfiles
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Автор - Goldman
Просмотров - 834

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