Blue Eggs and Yellow Tomatoes: Recipes from a Modern Kitchen Garden
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Вангелия Пандева Гуштерова

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Blue Eggs and Yellow Tomatoes: Recipes from a Modern Kitchen Garden

Автор - Benson
Просмотров - 944
23-06-2014, 00:43

Blue Eggs and Yellow Tomatoes: Recipes from a Modern Kitchen Garden

Название:Blue Eggs and Yellow Tomatoes: Recipes from a Modern Kitchen Garden
Издательство:RUNNING PRESS
Автор: Jeanne Kelley
Год: 2008
Количество страниц:320
Формат: pdf
Размер:28,7 Mb

Like many of today’s home gardeners, Jeanne Kelley’s backyard kitchen garden is a means to indulge her desire for fresh, organic, and flavor-rich produce. Just minutes outside of downtown Los Angeles, this same backyard is also home to Kelley’s pet goat and Ameraucana chickens, which provide her with a plentiful amount of milk and sky blue eggs that often feature in Kelley’s internationally inspired dishes. Now she shares more than 150 of her recipes, all of which incorporate new and authentic ways to take advantage of local and seasonal foods and incorporate the multi-ethnic flavors into your everyday meals. This remarkable cookbook presents a contemporary version of field-to-table cooking that hails from a region where home chefs prune their kitchen gardens in the shadow of metropolitan cities and year-round farmers’ markets provide heirloom vegetables that inspire classic and enticing dishes. Capitalizing on her 20 years as a Bon Appetit contributor, Kelley’s recipes are simple and spectacular. With strategies for both weeknight cooking and special occasions, Blue Eggs and Yellow Tomatoes is the essential manual for all who hunger to create quick and healthy meals with flair. In addition to the many mouthwatering recipes, Kelley provides readers with tips and menus for entertaining, plus a thorough kitchen garden primer that celebrates the simple joy of growing your own produce-including discussion on small container and community gardens, raising and keeping backyard chickens, composting, and growing your own exotic ingredients.

Название:Blue Eggs and Yellow Tomatoes: Recipes from a Modern Kitchen Garden Издательство:RUNNING PRESS Автор: Jeanne Kelley Год: 2008 Количество страниц:320 Язык:English Формат: pdf Размер:28,7 Mb Like many of today’s home gardeners, Jeanne Kelley’s backyard kitchen garden is a means to indulge her desire for fresh, organic, and flavor-rich produce. Just minutes outside of downtown Los Angeles, this same backyard is also home to Kelley’s pet goat and Ameraucana chickens, which provide her with a plentiful amount of milk and sky blue eggs that often feature in Kelley’s internationally inspired dishes. Now she shares more than 150 of her recipes, all of which incorporate new and authentic ways to take advantage of local and seasonal foods and incorporate the multi-ethnic flavors into your everyday meals. This remarkable cookbook presents a contemporary version of field-to-table cooking that hails from a region where home chefs prune their kitchen gardens in the shadow of metropolitan cities and year-round farmers’ markets provide heirloom vegetables that inspire classic and enticing dishes. Capitalizing on her 20 years as a Bon Appetit contributor, Kelley’s recipes are simple and spectacular. With strategies for both weeknight cooking and special occasions, Blue Eggs and Yellow Tomatoes is the essential manual for all who hunger to create quick and healthy meals with flair. In addition to the many mouthwatering recipes, Kelley provides readers with tips and menus for entertaining, plus a thorough kitchen garden primer that celebrates the simple joy of growing your own produce-including discussion on small container and community gardens, raising and keeping backyard chickens, composting, and growing your own exotic ingredients.
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Автор - Benson
Просмотров - 944

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