Clean Green Eats: 100+ Clean-Eating Recipes to Improve Your Whole Life
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Вангелия Пандева Гуштерова

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Clean Green Eats: 100+ Clean-Eating Recipes to Improve Your Whole Life

Автор - Arnold
Просмотров - 677
27-06-2015, 03:51

Clean Green Eats: 100+ Clean-Eating Recipes to Improve Your Whole Life
Автор: Candice Kumai
Название: Clean Green Eats: 100+ Clean-Eating Recipes to Improve Your Whole Life
Издательство: HarperWave
Год: 2015
Размер:11.16 MB
Для сайта:

Clean up your diet and look and feel better than ever with this simple, beautiful cookbook featuring more than сто recipes that make it easy and delicious to eat clean and green.

We all know we should eat more green foods, but after a few variations on the same salad, juice or smoothie, it’s easy to run out of ideas that excite our taste buds. In Clean Green Eats, celebrity chef Candice Kumai offers an answer to that dilemma, offering more than сто simple, unique and delicious recipes made from whole foods packed with of nutrients that will help you lose weight, detox, and look amazing. All of her recipes are effortlessly gluten free(no complicated ingredients required!) and while a plant-based diet is the focus, the idea of “meat as a treat”—eating high-quality, sensible portions of animal protein—is also central to her plan.

Clean Green Eats kicks off with Candice’s one week cleanse, which includes juices, smoothies, and simple meals, and continues with a six-week plan to develop healthy practices that will last a lifetime. There’s no deprivation with Candice’s delicious drinks, breakfasts, snacks, soups, salads, sides, mains, and desserts. Start your day with a Coconut Almond Green Smooth or Cinnamon-Spiced Granola. For lunch, fill up on Farro, Edamame, and Pea Salad. Whip up Asian Ginger Garlic Steak Salad, Superfood Curry Salmon Salad, or Chili Lime Shrimp Tostadas for a delicious dinner. For a fabulous finale, she includes desserts like Vegan Dark-Chocolate Avocado Cake and Banana Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ‘Ice Cream.’

Banish the processed food, sugar, and carb habits that lead to fatigue, belly bloat, poor digestion, and constant cravings—let Clean Green Eats help you look and feel better than ever, no deprivation required!

Автор: Candice Kumai Название: Clean Green Eats: 100 Clean-Eating Recipes to Improve Your Whole Life Издательство: HarperWave Год: 2015 Формат:epub Размер:11.16 MB Язык:Английский Для сайта: Clean up your diet and look and feel better than ever with this simple, beautiful cookbook featuring more than сто recipes that make it easy and delicious to eat clean and green. We all know we should eat more green foods, but after a few variations on the same salad, juice or smoothie, it’s easy to run out of ideas that excite our taste buds. In Clean Green Eats, celebrity chef Candice Kumai offers an answer to that dilemma, offering more than сто simple, unique and delicious recipes made from whole foods packed with of nutrients that will help you lose weight, detox, and look amazing. All of her recipes are effortlessly gluten free(no complicated ingredients required!) and while a plant-based diet is the focus, the idea of “meat as a treat”—eating high-quality, sensible portions of animal protein—is also central to her plan. Clean Green Eats kicks off with Candice’s one week cleanse, which includes juices, smoothies, and simple meals, and continues with a six-week plan to develop healthy practices that will last a lifetime. There’s no deprivation with Candice’s delicious drinks, breakfasts, snacks, soups, salads, sides, mains, and desserts. Start your day with a Coconut Almond Green Smooth or Cinnamon-Spiced Granola. For lunch, fill up on Farro, Edamame, and Pea Salad. Whip up Asian Ginger Garlic Steak Salad, Superfood Curry Salmon Salad, or Chili Lime Shrimp Tostadas for a delicious dinner. For a fabulous finale, she includes desserts like Vegan Dark-Chocolate Avocado Cake and Banana Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ‘Ice Cream.’ Banish the processed food, sugar, and carb habits that lead to fatigue, belly bloat, poor digestion, and constant cravings—let Clean Green Eats help you look and feel better than ever, no deprivation required!
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Автор - Arnold
Просмотров - 677

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