Children with Disabilities, Seventh Edition
По теме
Автор: Іван Носаль Название: Від рослини - до людини Издательство:
Полное меню
Мир женщины. Консультации врача. Медицина от А до Я. Амулеты и Талисманы. Молитвы для спасения души Виды гаданий Лечение с народна Рецепты народной медецины. Чернокнижные гадания Магия здоровья Белая Магия Любовная магия Ангелы и молитвы Карма Магические ритуалы Демоны и Бесы Колдовство Магия защиты Использование монет как амулетов и талисманов Слияние с деньгами. Денежный горшочек Денежная ванна Золотое денежное заклинание Притягивающая купюра Денежный сосуд Денежный мешок Ритуал на сдачу от свеч Ритуал на случайные деньги Денежная банка Ритуал на притяжение денег На сохранность денег Симороновские ритуалы денежной магии Ритуал со свечами Магический ритуал по привлечению денег Ритуальный кошелёк Афро - Карибская магия. Вуду. Сантерия. Привороты Викканская любовная магия Зона любви и брака в вашей квартире Любовная магия Фэн-шуй Фен-шуй для привлечения любви. Любовная ворожба народов мира Магия и красота Приворотные зелья Как приготовить Сексуальные напитки Законы кармы Знаки кармы Молитвы Молитвы к ангелам дней недели Любовь и нумерология. Как правильно выбрать партнера Как разоблачить мерзавца по знаку Зодиака. Романтические приметы Виды Гадания и правила Хиромантия О действии приворота Проведение ритуалов Любовные привороты Любовные заговоры Противолюбовные заговоры Методы снятия приворота Магические приёмы, помогающие вернуть любовь Вызовы(чтобы человек к вам явился) Заговоры, чтобы пришла любовь Заговоры на возвращение любви Семейная магия Цыганская любовная магия. Талисманы. Амулеты Любовные ритуалы и заговоры чёрной магии Заговоры на месть сопернице Сексуальная магия Любовная магия по Северным традициям Статьи о женской магии Статьи о магии Демонология Ритуалы и заговоры черной магии Любовные ритуалы, заговоры, привороты чёрной магии Первые шаги в колдовстве Колдовская пирамида Заговоры Снять порчу Снять сглаз Снять проклятия Отчитки Заговоры от азарта Заговоры от алчности Заговоры от ленности Заговоры от страха Заговоры от алкоголизма Шепотки на трезвость От детского алкоголизма Заговоры от курения Заговоры от наркомании Все порчи
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Children with Disabilities, Seventh Edition

Автор - Ольга
Просмотров - 772
9-10-2014, 22:51

Children with Disabilities, Seventh Edition

Автор:Mark Batshaw M.D., Nancy Roizen M.D., Gaetano Lotrecchiano
Название:Children with Disabilities, Seventh Edition
Издательство:Brookes Publishing; 7 edition
Размер:15.62 mb
Для сайта:

Comprehensive, authoritative information from the most respected experts: For 30 years, that's what Children with Disabilities has given the thousands of students, faculty, and professionals who rely on it. Now this trusted text is in a NEW seventh edition, thoroughly updated with the very latest research, new instructor materials, and the critical issues professionals need to know as they prepare to work with children and families. Incorporating 5 years of significant research and progress in multiple disciplines, this highly anticipated new edition is the textbook of choice for courses on disability. The internationally respected editors bring together a who's who of contributors—of seasoned experts and fresh voices—definitive compendium of information about developmental, clinical, family, education, and intervention issues.


All-new chapters on diagnosis, neuropsychological assessment, "new" disabilities faced by survivors of previously fatal disorders, and complementary and alternative medicine
New multimedia instructor materials online, including high-quality downloadable medical illustrations
30+ new contributors from diverse fields
Expanded chapters on autism and ADHD
New developments in neuroscience, genetics, and imaging
Greater focus on interdisciplinary collaboration
Considerations from drafts of the DSM-5
Thoroughly updated content in every chapter
PowerPoint slides for each chapter, easy to customize for courses

Children with Disabilities retains and strengthens the student-friendly features of previous editions: concise and accessible chapters, a helpful glossary, chapter overviews, case studies that bring key concepts to life, extensive cross-referencing to make information easy to find, and resource lists for every topic. And with the complete package of new multimedia instructor materials, instructors will use this textbook effectively in their courses and prepare students for years of successful practice. An unparalleled text from the leading voices in the disability field, Children with Disabilities is the cornerstone resource future professionals will keep year after year to support their important work with children and families.

Автор:Mark Batshaw M.D., Nancy Roizen M.D., Gaetano Lotrecchiano Название:Children with Disabilities, Seventh Edition Издательство:Brookes Publishing; 7 edition Год:2012 ISBN:159857194X Формат:pdf Размер:15.62 mb Страниц:904 Язык:English Для сайта: Access the NEW ONLINE COMPANION MATERIALS now! Comprehensive, authoritative information from the most respected experts: For 30 years, that's what Children with Disabilities has given the thousands of students, faculty, and professionals who rely on it. Now this trusted text is in a NEW seventh edition, thoroughly updated with the very latest research, new instructor materials, and the critical issues professionals need to know as they prepare to work with children and families. Incorporating 5 years of significant research and progress in multiple disciplines, this highly anticipated new edition is the textbook of choice for courses on disability. The internationally respected editors bring together a who's who of contributors—of seasoned experts and fresh voices—definitive compendium of information about developmental, clinical, family, education, and intervention issues. WHAT'S NEW All-new chapters on diagnosis, neuropsychological assessment, "new" disabilities faced by survivors of previously fatal disorders, and complementary and alternative medicine New multimedia instructor materials online, including high-quality downloadable medical illustrations 30 new contributors from diverse fields Expanded chapters on autism and ADHD New developments in neuroscience, genetics, and imaging Greater focus on interdisciplinary collaboration Considerations from drafts of the DSM-5 Thoroughly updated content in every chapter PowerPoint slides for each chapter, easy to customize for courses Children with Disabilities retains and strengthens the student-friendly features of previous editions: concise and accessible chapters, a helpful glossary, chapter overviews, case studies that bring key concepts to life, extensive cross-referencing to make information easy to find, and resource lists for every topic. And with the complete package of new multimedia instructor materials, instructors will use this textbook effectively in their courses and prepare students for years of successful practice. An unparalleled text from the leading voices in the disability field, Children with Disabilities is the cornerstone resource future professionals will keep year after year to support their important work with children and families.
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Автор - Ольга
Просмотров - 772

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