Musculoskeletal Interventions, 3rd Edition
По теме
Автор: Іван Носаль Название: Від рослини - до людини Издательство:
Полное меню
Мир женщины. Консультации врача. Медицина от А до Я. Амулеты и Талисманы. Молитвы для спасения души Виды гаданий Лечение с народна Рецепты народной медецины. Чернокнижные гадания Магия здоровья Белая Магия Любовная магия Ангелы и молитвы Карма Магические ритуалы Демоны и Бесы Колдовство Магия защиты Использование монет как амулетов и талисманов Слияние с деньгами. Денежный горшочек Денежная ванна Золотое денежное заклинание Притягивающая купюра Денежный сосуд Денежный мешок Ритуал на сдачу от свеч Ритуал на случайные деньги Денежная банка Ритуал на притяжение денег На сохранность денег Симороновские ритуалы денежной магии Ритуал со свечами Магический ритуал по привлечению денег Ритуальный кошелёк Афро - Карибская магия. Вуду. Сантерия. Привороты Викканская любовная магия Зона любви и брака в вашей квартире Любовная магия Фэн-шуй Фен-шуй для привлечения любви. Любовная ворожба народов мира Магия и красота Приворотные зелья Как приготовить Сексуальные напитки Законы кармы Знаки кармы Молитвы Молитвы к ангелам дней недели Любовь и нумерология. Как правильно выбрать партнера Как разоблачить мерзавца по знаку Зодиака. Романтические приметы Виды Гадания и правила Хиромантия О действии приворота Проведение ритуалов Любовные привороты Любовные заговоры Противолюбовные заговоры Методы снятия приворота Магические приёмы, помогающие вернуть любовь Вызовы(чтобы человек к вам явился) Заговоры, чтобы пришла любовь Заговоры на возвращение любви Семейная магия Цыганская любовная магия. Талисманы. Амулеты Любовные ритуалы и заговоры чёрной магии Заговоры на месть сопернице Сексуальная магия Любовная магия по Северным традициям Статьи о женской магии Статьи о магии Демонология Ритуалы и заговоры черной магии Любовные ритуалы, заговоры, привороты чёрной магии Первые шаги в колдовстве Колдовская пирамида Заговоры Снять порчу Снять сглаз Снять проклятия Отчитки Заговоры от азарта Заговоры от алчности Заговоры от ленности Заговоры от страха Заговоры от алкоголизма Шепотки на трезвость От детского алкоголизма Заговоры от курения Заговоры от наркомании Все порчи
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Вангелия Пандева Гуштерова

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Musculoskeletal Interventions, 3rd Edition

Автор - Macduff
Просмотров - 669
11-09-2014, 09:19

Musculoskeletal Interventions, 3rd Edition

Автор:Barbara Hoogenboom, Michael Voight, William Prentice
Название:Musculoskeletal Interventions, 3rd Edition
Издательство:McGraw-Hill Medical; 2 edition
Размер:100.13 mb
Для сайта:

The definitive guide to designing and implementing evidence-based rehabilitation programs using therapeutic exercise -- updated in full color

Musculoskeletal Interventions, 3rd Edition, is a comprehensive guide to the system considerations, design, implementation, and progression of rehabilitation programs for musculoskeletal injuries and dysfunction. Encompassing many aspects of musculoskeletal rehabilitation, with contributions from many renowned authors, it focuses on the practical application of theory in a clinical setting, making it valuable to both students and experienced physical therapists. Musculoskeletal Interventions features an easy-to-follow body region and functional approach to intervention strategies and is logically divided into five sections:
Foundations of the Rehabilitation Process

Addresses the important considerations in designing a rehabilitation program for the patient with a musculoskeletal injury
Provides a guide-based overview of the rehabilitation process as well as an introduction to Clinical Reasoning and Algorithmic Thinking in rehabilitation
Treating Physiologic Impairments During Rehabilitation
Presents information on various physical impairments that may need to be addressed as part of the rehabilitation process
The Tools of Rehabilitation
Provides an overview of important rehabilitation tools and strategies
Delivers detailed coverage of how these interventions should be incorporated into a rehabilitation program to achieve the individualized treatment goals for patients with musculoskeletal pathologies
Intervention Strategies for Specific Injuries
Covers specific rehabilitation techniques and interventions applied to the treatment of a wide variety of regional musculoskeletal injuries, dysfunctions, and post-operative conditions
Special Consideration for Specific Patient Populations
Discusses treatment considerations for specific patient populations, such as the geriatric patient, pediatric patient, and physically active female
This edition is enhanced by a new full-color presentation, as well as the inclusion of valuable learning aids, such as clinical pearls, protocol grids, algorithms, learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, and end-of-chapter treatment guidelines and references.

Автор:Barbara Hoogenboom, Michael Voight, William Prentice Название:Musculoskeletal Interventions, 3rd Edition Издательство:McGraw-Hill Medical; 2 edition Год:2014 ISBN:0071793690 Формат:pdf Размер:100.13 mb Страниц:1164 Язык:English Для сайта: The definitive guide to designing and implementing evidence-based rehabilitation programs using therapeutic exercise -- updated in full color Musculoskeletal Interventions, 3rd Edition, is a comprehensive guide to the system considerations, design, implementation, and progression of rehabilitation programs for musculoskeletal injuries and dysfunction. Encompassing many aspects of musculoskeletal rehabilitation, with contributions from many renowned authors, it focuses on the practical application of theory in a clinical setting, making it valuable to both students and experienced physical therapists. Musculoskeletal Interventions features an easy-to-follow body region and functional approach to intervention strategies and is logically divided into five sections: Foundations of the Rehabilitation Process Addresses the important considerations in designing a rehabilitation program for the patient with a musculoskeletal injury Provides a guide-based overview of the rehabilitation process as well as an introduction to Clinical Reasoning and Algorithmic Thinking in rehabilitation Treating Physiologic Impairments During Rehabilitation Presents information on various physical impairments that may need to be addressed as part of the rehabilitation process The Tools of Rehabilitation Provides an overview of important rehabilitation tools and strategies Delivers detailed coverage of how these interventions should be incorporated into a rehabilitation program to achieve the individualized treatment goals for patients with musculoskeletal pathologies Intervention Strategies for Specific Injuries Covers specific rehabilitation techniques and interventions applied to the treatment of a wide variety of regional musculoskeletal injuries, dysfunctions, and post-operative conditions Special Consideration for Specific Patient Populations Discusses treatment considerations for specific patient populations, such as the geriatric patient, pediatric patient, and physically active female This edition is enhanced by a new full-color presentation, as well as the inclusion of valuable learning aids, such as clinical pearls, protocol grids, algorithms, learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, and end-of-chapter treatment guidelines and references.
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Автор - Macduff
Просмотров - 669

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