Honey in Traditional and Modern Medicine (Traditional Herbal Medicines for Modern Times)
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Автор: Іван Носаль Название: Від рослини - до людини Издательство:
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Honey in Traditional and Modern Medicine (Traditional Herbal Medicines for Modern Times)

Автор - Cooper
Просмотров - 784
14-02-2014, 14:20

Honey in Traditional and Modern Medicine (Traditional Herbal Medicines for Modern Times)Автор: Laïd Boukraâ(Editor)
Название: Honey in Traditional and Modern Medicine(Traditional Herbal Medicines for Modern Times)
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2013
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: Английский

The use of honey can be traced back to the Stone Age. Evidence can be found for its nutritional and medicinal use beginning with prehistoric and ancient civilizations. Currently, there is a resurgence of scientific interest in natural medicinal products, such as honey, by researchers, the medical community, and even the general public. Honey in Traditional and Modern Medicine provides a detailed compendium on the medical uses of honey, presenting its enormous potential and its limitations.
The book covers honey’s ethnomedicinal uses, chemical composition, and physical properties. It discusses the healing properties of honey, including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It also examines the botanical origin of honey, a critical factor in relation to its medicinal use, along with the complex subject of the varying composition of honey. Honey’s antibacterial qualities and other attributes are described in a chapter dedicated to Leptospermum, or Manuka honey, a unique honey with potential for novel therapeutic applications.
Chapters explore a variety of medicinal uses for honey, including its healing properties and use in burn and wound management. They review honey’s beneficial effects on medical conditions, such as gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diabetic ulcers, and cancers as well as in pediatrics and animal health and wellness. The book also examines honey-based formulations, modern methods for chemical analysis of honey, and the history and reality of "mad honey." The final chapters cover honey in the food industry, as a nutrient, and for culinary use.


Автор: Laïd Boukraâ(Editor) Название: Honey in Traditional and Modern Medicine(Traditional Herbal Medicines for Modern Times) Издательство: CRC Press Год: 2013 Формат: PDF Размер: 10 Mb Язык: Английский The use of honey can be traced back to the Stone Age. Evidence can be found for its nutritional and medicinal use beginning with prehistoric and ancient civilizations. Currently, there is a resurgence of scientific interest in natural medicinal products, such as honey, by researchers, the medical community, and even the general public. Honey in Traditional and Modern Medicine provides a detailed compendium on the medical uses of honey, presenting its enormous potential and its limitations. The book covers honey’s ethnomedicinal uses, chemical composition, and physical properties. It discusses the healing properties of honey, including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It also examines the botanical origin of honey, a critical factor in relation to its medicinal use, along with the complex subject of the varying composition of honey. Honey’s antibacterial qualities and other attributes are described in a chapter dedicated to Leptospermum, or Manuka honey, a unique honey with potential for novel therapeutic applications. Chapters explore a variety of medicinal uses for honey, including its healing properties and use in burn and wound management. They review honey’s beneficial effects on medical conditions, such as gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diabetic ulcers, and cancers as well as in pediatrics and animal health and wellness. The book also examines honey-based formulations, modern methods for chemical analysis of honey, and the history and reality of "mad honey." The final chapters cover honey in the food industry, as a nutrient, and for culinary use. bitshare turbobit hulkload depositfiles
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Автор - Cooper
Просмотров - 784

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