Plain Modern: The Architecture of Brian MacKay-Lyons
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Автор: Ионов Б.В. Название: Архитектура речных вокзалов и павильонов
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Вангелия Пандева Гуштерова

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Plain Modern: The Architecture of Brian MacKay-Lyons

Автор - MacAlister
Просмотров - 719
23-10-2014, 14:50

Plain Modern: The Architecture of Brian MacKay-Lyons

Название: Modern: The Architecture of Brian MacKay-Lyons
Автор: Malcolm Quantrill, Kenneth Frampton, Glen Murcutt
Издательство: Princeton Architectural Press
Год: 2005
Страниц: 224
ISBN: 1568984774, 9781568984773
Формат: PDF
Размер: 267 Мб
Язык: English
Серия: New Voices in Architecture

It's been our distinct pleasure over the past few years to publish monographs on a select group of young architects and firms whose work represents the best of contemporary design thinking while retaining a distinctive regional sensibility. The Nova-Scotian architect Brian MacKay-Lyons fits neatly into this distinguished list, which includes Marlon Blackwell in the Ozarks, Rick Joy in the Southwest, and Miller/Hull in the Northwest.
Those familiar with Nova Scotia understand the austere beauty of this Canadian landscape, with its wide open skies and rugged terrain pushing up against the Atlantic. MacKay-Lyons's work responds to this unique topography and to the vernacular building traditions that define its communities. His houses, commercial buildings, and public projects combine regional forms with local materials, technologies, and building practices to create works that are linked to their environments right down to their DNA. Peaked gables, shed roofs, and sliding doors are inspired by local barn types; corrugated metal cladding comes from the buildings used by the area’s fishing industry; structural wooden frames are based on local ship-building traditions. These elements communicate a sense of place that is sophisticated, accessible, and free of sentimentality.
Novelist and historian Malcolm Quantrill weaves together an intimate portrait of MacKay-Lyons and his work, elucidating the "peculiar regionality" of his subject's architecture.
A New Voices monograph published with The Graham Foundation.

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Название: Modern: The Architecture of Brian MacKay-Lyons Автор: Malcolm Quantrill, Kenneth Frampton, Glen Murcutt Издательство: Princeton Architectural Press Год: 2005 Страниц: 224 ISBN: 1568984774, 9781568984773 Формат: PDF Размер: 267 Мб Язык: English Серия: New Voices in Architecture It's been our distinct pleasure over the past few years to publish monographs on a select group of young architects and firms whose work represents the best of contemporary design thinking while retaining a distinctive regional sensibility. The Nova-Scotian architect Brian MacKay-Lyons fits neatly into this distinguished list, which includes Marlon Blackwell in the Ozarks, Rick Joy in the Southwest, and Miller/Hull in the Northwest. Those familiar with Nova Scotia understand the austere beauty of this Canadian landscape, with its wide open skies and rugged terrain pushing up against the Atlantic. MacKay-Lyons's work responds to this unique topography and to the vernacular building traditions that define its communities. His houses, commercial buildings, and public projects combine regional forms with local materials, technologies, and building practices to create works that are linked to their environments right down to their DNA. Peaked gables, shed roofs, and sliding doors are inspired by local barn types; corrugated metal cladding comes from the buildings used by the area’s fishing industry; structural wooden frames are based on local ship-building traditions. These elements communicate a sense of place that is sophisticated, accessible, and free of sentimentality. Novelist and historian Malcolm Quantrill weaves together an intimate portrait of MacKay-Lyons and his work, elucidating the "peculiar regionality" of his subject's architecture. A New Voices monograph published with The Graham Foundation. Скачать с Скачать с Скачать с Скачать с
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Автор - MacAlister
Просмотров - 719

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