AutoCAD 2008 for Dummies
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Автор: коллектив Название: Британский дизайн: контекст, школы,
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Вангелия Пандева Гуштерова

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AutoCAD 2008 for Dummies

Автор - Екатерина
Просмотров - 638
17-06-2015, 17:52

AutoCAD 2008 for Dummies

Название: AutoCAD 2008 for Dummies
Автор: Byrnes David
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2007
Страниц: 434
ISBN: 9780470116500, 0470116501
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Мб
Язык: English
Серия: For Dummies

It's amazing to think that AutoCAD came into being a quarter of a century ago, at a time when most people thought that personal computers weren't carable of industrial-strength tasks like CAD.(The aacronym stands for Computer-Aided Drafting, Computer-Aided Design, or both, depending on whom you talk to.)
What's equally amazing to the grizzled old-timer writing these words is the fact that many of today's hotshot AutoCAD users weren't even born when the program first hit the street!It's almost as amazing that, 25 years after its birth, AutoCAD remains the king of the microcomputer CAD hill by a tall margin. It's conceivable that the long-term future of CAD may belong to special-purpose, 3D-based software such as the Autodesk Inventor and Revit programs, but for the present and the near future anyway, AutoCAD is where the CAD action is.
AutoCAD 2008 provides the tools for doing all these things, but it's not always easy to figure out which hammer to pick up or which nail to bang on first. With this book, you have excellent chance of creating a presentable, usable, printable, and sharable drawing on your first or second try without putting a T square through your computer screen in frustration.


AutoCAD 101
Introducing AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT
Le Tour de AutoCAD 2008
A Lap around the CAD Track
Setup for Success

Let There Be Lines
Get Ready to Draw
Where to Draw the Line
Edit for Credit
A Zoom with a View
On a 3D Spree

1f Drawings Could Talk
Text with Character
Entering New Dimensions
Down the Hatch
The Plot Thickens

Share and Share Alike
Playing Blocks and Rasteroids
Drawing on the Internet

The Part of Tens
Ten Ways to Do No Harm
Ten Ways to Swap Drawing Data with Other People and Programs

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Название: AutoCAD 2008 for Dummies Автор: Byrnes David Издательство: Wiley Год: 2007 Страниц: 434 ISBN: 9780470116500, 0470116501 Формат: PDF Размер: 10 Мб Язык: English Серия: For Dummies It's amazing to think that AutoCAD came into being a quarter of a century ago, at a time when most people thought that personal computers weren't carable of industrial-strength tasks like CAD.(The aacronym stands for Computer-Aided Drafting, Computer-Aided Design, or both, depending on whom you talk to.) What's equally amazing to the grizzled old-timer writing these words is the fact that many of today's hotshot AutoCAD users weren't even born when the program first hit the street!It's almost as amazing that, 25 years after its birth, AutoCAD remains the king of the microcomputer CAD hill by a tall margin. It's conceivable that the long-term future of CAD may belong to special-purpose, 3D-based software such as the Autodesk Inventor and Revit programs, but for the present and the near future anyway, AutoCAD is where the CAD action is. AutoCAD 2008 provides the tools for doing all these things, but it's not always easy to figure out which hammer to pick up or which nail to bang on first. With this book, you have excellent chance of creating a presentable, usable, printable, and sharable drawing on your first or second try without putting a T square through your computer screen in frustration. Introduction AutoCAD 101 Introducing AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Le Tour de AutoCAD 2008 A Lap around the CAD Track Setup for Success Let There Be Lines Get Ready to Draw Where to Draw the Line Edit for Credit A Zoom with a View On a 3D Spree 1f Drawings Could Talk Text with Character Entering New Dimensions Down the Hatch The Plot Thickens Share and Share Alike Playing Blocks and Rasteroids Drawing on the Internet The Part of Tens Ten Ways to Do No Harm Ten Ways to Swap Drawing Data with Other People and Programs Index Скачать с Скачать с Скачать с Скачать с
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Автор - Екатерина
Просмотров - 638

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